CLIPSAS: New Prospects!




The CLIPSAS for 45 years constitutes the ark of conscience of Freemasons of the World. It is the guardian of Appeal of Strasbourg. We honour those that drew up and signed this important document. We honour those that maintained it in force until today. We honour all elected Presidents and Vice-presidents until today. However, we are compelled to be referred personally to the former President bro\ Marc - Antoine Cauchie, who constitutes the soul of CLIPSAS.

The CLIPSAS in 45 years increased methodically the number of its Obediences - Members in 56. This mere achievement constitutes the more positive element of its Assessment. Certainly, turning-points of crises and losses of important Obediences - Members existed, but its basic line of process was not altered, in order to diachronically constitute pole of reference regarding the Principles and Values of Liberal Obediences.

Pursuant to its General Regulation the CLIPSAS practises the role of liaison between Liberal Obediances and supports the inter se communication.

Believes in the Principle of the absolute freedom of conscience and accepted all Masonic traditions, types and beliefs, while it aims at re-establishment of fraternal relations of all Freemasons and the growth of the reciprocal (mutual) tolerance.

CLIPSAS as far as its Obediences - Members could penetrate in the societies in which they are developed, owes to produce ideas and to propose methods that intend:

  • In the strengthening of the value of humanism and the respect of human being as supreme value and, generally, as projection of Human Rights in the whole world

  • In the recognition of diversity of persons and exploitation of different opinions, taking into consideration that the pluralism encourages the growth and stabilisation of societies.

  • In the exercise of influence in order that the freedom of thought, the freedom of expression and religious tolerance become acceptable in each territory

  • In the promotion of tolerance in each cultural expression and tradition.

  • In the resistance with all institutional means against tyranny, racism and the xenophobia.

  • In the projection of the equality of two sexes and, more specifically, in the projection of place of woman as cohesive ring of family and society.

  • In the growth of essential dialogue between teams of citizens with different mentality and opinions concerning the role of Freemasonry as institution of culture and as consolidating factor of the society

  • In the attendance in work of charity, in energies of moral support, in events of altruism, respect and solidarity to our fellowmen.

  • In the informing of our social environment on the current identity (status) of Freemasonry, separating its principles from admixtures of ideologies that have no relation with the masonic area.

  • In the underline of the not dogmatic character of Masonry and in his ecumenical attitude to accept freely thinking and citizens of good faith, regardless their nationality, race, sex, religion (beliefs), philosophy and social origin

  • In the support of masons of every State for the awareness of their role as Society of Citizens, with everything this entails in respect of rights and responsibilities.

In conclusion we cite that the extraversion of the Liberal and Adogmatic Obediences and, more specifically, the objective of maximisation of their attendance in social reality, open new horizons of action, annihilating the potential underlying prejudice of non-initiated world of each state and rendering factually explicit the horizons of Freemasonry for Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, Prosperity and Social Justice.

The enterprising progressive course in the life of each freemason has as vaulting horse the Tradition and as vision the Development, in order to successfully respond ôï the continuous challenges of social changes. Consequently, the necessity of collaboration of all Liberal and Adogmatic Masonic Orders in international level appears exigently, the results of which will constitute the pillar in the confrontation of issues that concern the comprehension of our world, which is altered rapidly and continuously, as well as needs that directly or indirectly emerge from these changes.

We believe that in our era Freemasons should not remain sole observers and we address the following prompt:

"Let us extend our horizons of communication with the society and collaborate in international level, aiming in the comprehension of challenges and in the responding of the needs of a world that rapidly changes".

Vassilios Patkas,
G.: M.:
Ordre Maçonnique International «DELPHI»